🏕 Your Camp Toolkit

5 min. readlast update: 04.10.2024

“You’re only going to get out of this experience what you put into it” -Andy, Camp Gold Arrow


@campleaders 3 REALITIES of summer camp you didn't know #summercamp #america #campleaders ♬ original sound - Camp Leaders

🧳 Packing your Well-Being Toolkit


Perspective is everything! Camp is hard work and may make you step outside your comfort zone 🚧 at times. Camp is also magical 🪄 and can be the best summer of your life- it all depends on the perspective you choose to take! Ask yourself-

  • When was a recent time in your life when you experienced some level of stress?

  • How have you found joy in difficult times? What strategies do you use to keep a positive attitude?

  • How have you coped with these hardships?


We are here to help you prepare, both physically and emotionally.


😎 Camp Wellness Packing List (click for more)

  • Journal 📕

  • Write yourself a letter of encouragement to read when you’re feeling down at camp 📝🫶

  • Bring a coloring book 🎨

    • By “detoxing” from social media & our phones, we can stay fully immersed in the camp experience.

  • Create a playlist that includes music that gives you a little taste of home & brings you joy 🎧


🧠 Mindfulness at camp

“[When feeling overwhelmed at camp] How you feel right now is going to feel very different than three days from now” -Rachel, Camp Oneka


Camp can feel overwhelming at times, and that’s okay. It’s vital to advocate for yourself at Camp (and in life!) to ensure that your physical, emotional, and mental needs are met.

Camp can be a fun and rewarding experience, but it can also be challenging. Below ⬇️ are several resources to keep in your toolbox 🧰 throughout the summer- especially when camp feels overwhelming.


Mindfulness Resources


🍽️ The Healthy Mind Platter

Created by Dr. Dan Siegel


🤯🪫 Managing Stress at Camp

“We know how to become stressed. Most of us are really good at activating our adrenal system and getting wound up. The question becomes, then, how do you wind down? Research suggests several practices that not only feel good but also put us into a calmer, more relaxed state—a state from which we can cope better with whatever life throws at us.”, (Seppälä, E., 2019, Four Ways to Calm your Mind in Stressful Times)

  1. Practice Breathing Exercises (see Mindfulness Resources) 😮‍💨


  2. Adopt an Attitude of Self-Compassion ❣️

    Find as many opportunities as possible to remind yourself why you’re at camp


  3. Foster Genuine Connection 🔗

    Our greatest human need, after food and shelter, is to connect with other people in a positive way. (Seppälä, E., 2019, Four Ways to Calm your Mind in Stressful Times)


  4. Practice having Compassion for Others 🥰


     How can you practice compassion at camp?


Sure, we know the above isn’t going to take away your stress. But, by practicing these methods, we hope we can help you strengthen your resiliency skills 🏋️ so sitting in discomfort doesn’t feel so scary! 🙀

📣 Advocating for yourself

  • Identify the appropriate person to share feedback

    • The Camp Director’s role is to oversee everything that happens at camp. They may not always be available to connect, but someone will be!

    • When you arrive at camp, ask who your designated point-person will be (likely your direct supervisor)

      • If you’re struggling or something isn’t working, speak up! 🗣️ Your supervisor wants you to be successful at camp and will be happy to problem-solve with you.


  • Offering Feedback

    • Camp leadership will likely welcome ongoing feedback if there’s something that could be made better. Think about how you’d want the feedback shared if you were in their shoes 👟

    • When delivering feedback, whether to other peers or camp staff, start by sharing one good thing first. This will help create some common ground between you and them- remember, you’re all there for the same reason!



📱 Reaching Camp Leaders

The Camp Leaders team is available on-demand to assist you with any well-being-related challenges you experience while in America. A dedicated team of camp-experienced staff will be more than happy to connect with you to see how you're getting on and work on solutions for your summer with you. We are always a phone call away! 866.803.7643







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